Welcome! I am a Florida based photographer. Primarily taking pictures of Florida wildlife and landscapes. I am known to locals by Vik or nvphotography. My full name is Vikrant Urs and I go by Vik Urs.
I am have been taking pictures for a long time, since I was kid. Black and white days seeing dad develop them in his lab at home. It was a great experience to see how a film was developed. And the most exciting part was when the picture appeared on the photo-paper in the solution trey. Those days with dad in the dark room and the red light had a lasting impression on me. Later on life with studies and career photography took a back seat.
Now for last few years, I have been shooting wildlife professionally. I was a canon shooter for a long time and since 2020 I have moved over to Sony. I am very pleased with the results. What I can say about photography is that, it has taught me a lot about our environment, nature and the world we share with other living beings. Respect to nature is respect to ones oneself.
Thank you for visiting.
Vik Urs